DeonOptom is a family optometrist based in Norwood, Johannesburg.
Every Season Has Its Pros and Cons Each season brings its own charm. For those prone to hay fever, sinus problems, and seasonal allergies, warmer months often mean sneezing, coughing, headaches, and congestion. With rising temperatures due to climate change, pollen counts are increasing, making allergic reactions even more severe. The Link Between Sinus Issues…
The Alarming Statistics of Vision Problems in Children Did you know that there’s a 1 in 5 chance that a child in kindergarten, grade RR, or grade R will have vision problems? If one parent wears spectacles, these odds increase significantly. By around 6 months of age, vision becomes the most dominant sense, shaping how…
The Nerdy Stereotype in Movies Ever watched a movie where the “nerd” or the “smart scientist” wears glasses with thick lenses and tape around the nose bridge? Even today, filmmakers continue to perpetuate this stereotype. While the image of thick lenses might have some truth due to the link between excessive near work (like reading…
Dry eye syndrome is a complex condition that can benefit from a multifaceted approach, including visual hygiene, specialised treatments, and nutrition. While there are many medical treatments available, nutrition and lifestyle adjustments can play a significant role in managing dry eye symptoms. Effective Treatments for Dry Eye Symptoms Visual hygiene and specific treatments can help…
A Big Milestone for Your Little One Starting grade one is a significant milestone in your child’s life. While they’ve been through grade R, transitioning to the “big school” can feel overwhelming. It’s also a clear sign of how fast your child is growing up! But beyond the excitement and nervousness, an important question remains:…
The Magic Behind 3D Entertainment 3D movies and games have become incredibly popular, offering an immersive experience that makes images appear to jump off the screen, creating the illusion of depth perception. This effect is achieved by presenting two slightly different images to each eye, with a slight disparity between them. When your brain fuses…
What is Cerebral Palsy? Cerebral palsy occurs due to damage to the motor cortex of the brain, which can happen before or soon after birth. This damage typically results from a lack of oxygen to the brain, whether before or after birth, leading to irreversible harm to the motor cortex. Cerebral palsy can arise from…
Multifocal spectacle lenses have been around for many years, yet I often encounter patients who are hesitant about using them. Some have heard negative feedback from friends, while others have tried multifocals in the past and had a poor experience. In many cases, these patients switched back to single-vision lenses before addressing key issues that…
While glasses can make you see clearly, they are not always the complete solution for every visual challenge. In some cases, choosing the right design of lenses—such as accommodative support lenses, which offer extra power for near work, or adding prism lenses to correct eye alignment—can help make vision more comfortable. But there are situations…
As a parent, you are naturally vigilant when it comes to your child’s well-being. However, caring for your child’s vision can sometimes be overwhelming. At our practice, we’re here to assist you in looking out for signs that might indicate potential visual issues in your child. Key Visual Signs to Watch for in Children Several…